cute tiger cub

Monday, August 30, 2010

Artifacts and Hominids!

What do artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans? Many people wonder about that same question. But from what my history book says artifacts tell us everything about the earliest hominids like Lucy (Australopithecus Afarensis the first group of hominids). Infact artifacts are the only things that tell us about hominids because bones are artifacts they tell us lots of things about hte body of the certain hominid, even cave paintings are artifacts. Artifacts are still telling us new exiting things like new types of hominids such as Hobbits who are originated from Flores Java and the big giant Goliath. There have also been some clues (ashes) that tell us how hobbits (half the size of us) got to be extinct scientists belive that a volcanic eruption caused the extinction.

                                      Hobbit Skull
Some things artifacts tell us are how long before us wre there hominids living because when analyze the artifacts we figure out how old it is like Goliath's bones told us he lived 7,000 years ago. When we find weapons and bones together then we know that this kind of hominids used these weapon the defend themselves or hunt. An example is scientists found rocks that fit right into your hand around a Homo Erectus bones so scientists predict that Homo Erectus used these rocks for throwing. Cave paintings tell us how smart the hominids were because when archaeologists find the oldest cave painting ever found scientists will find out when it was drawn and what kind of hominids drew it so we could have found the inventors of paint and art.                                                 

Homo Erectus Weapons

Cave Painting

Things other than bones can tell us more about how the hominids lived. Cave paintings tell us stories and give us an idea about what kind of tools the hominids used and about their religions. These also tell us how smart the hominids were compared to Lucy. Her kind did not make tools, so I don't think scientists have found any cave paintings from her time. But ,the Homo Habilis, the next group of hominids did make tools using animal bones and sharp stones. All the bones, cave paintings, masks, tools, hunting tools, war weapons, animal traps and bones are artifacts that tell us about the hominids or early humans.

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