cute tiger cub

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Would Be....

If I could choose between being an Archaeologist, Historian or Geographers I would choose Archaeologist. I would like to an Archaeologist because I love to learn about dinosaurs, I exspecially like to learn about the great T-rex! I like digging too but I have never used the proper equipment to dig like shovels. The only thing I ever used to dig with are my fingers and old popsicle sticks. The only thing I discoverd was a few pieces of hardened clay in my backyard in India. But bieng an Archaeologist means we get to travel and explore a lot of places, which I really like to do. In the fourth grade we went into the dark cave in Batu Caves it was  really creepy but after you get used to the darkness it fun. I felt like a real explorer. I probably be a good Archaeologist because I am comfortable with traveling. Second is I love getting dirty so digging won't be a problem. Third I hate giving up so it won't be like I will spend a few days and give up. Fouth I take my jobs seriously I have always taken studies seriously. Fifth I enjoy walking and don't mind the sun because I grew up in one of those places where the sun makes it really hot and people wait all year long for monsoon to come and relieve them from the sun. I love to discover things even when its a science project and someone already discovered it I still feel happy that  I found something by myself so I won't be a poor sport a whine when we find something that had already been found or even when we don't find anything. I want to someday change the way we look at our past like so many others before me have!!!

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