cute tiger cub

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Amazing Introduction

Que Tal (whats up Spanish!!). My name is Pratiti. I am from India. I lived there for 6 years then I came to Malaysia. I have a cool brother who just graduated and my funny mother who cooks the most amazing food in the world and a awesome father who gives me awesome gifts and loves me. I always wanted a pet but the closest I got to a pet is 2 cute and cool turtles but they died. I really like to study history, math, science, art and Spanish plus I am a bookworm I have so many books that all them won't fit into my room, not that its really big!

The last three books that I have read is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, Harry Potter the Deathly Hollows by J.K. Rowling and The Crystal Doors series first book Island Realm! The last movie i saw was Because of Winn Dixie you should read the book first. My academic goal this year is to get awesome grades like A+ in all my subjects. My social goal this year is to use reuseable bottles and to recycle more. My favorite vacation memory is when my family and me went to Langkawi where we saw 2 baby cobras and the beach was my favorite part!! Five adjectives that discribe me best are:

  • Tall
  • Smart
  • Athletic
  • Friendly
  • Active                                              


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