cute tiger cub

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Courage

A time I showed courage was this year in P.E. It was rock climbing unit and I was terrified of hieghts.It was my turn to do the climbing. My hands suddenly felt sweaty and the wall looked taller than ever. I felt my left legs starting to shake. The soft wind ruffled my pony tail. I was struggling with the harness. "Oh come on harness, will you just tightnen"! Suddenly I realized that my voice was shaky. Ashka came over to help me. "Calm down Pratiti you won't fall down with the harness'. Ashka assured me.

Finally I had my harness on and my helmet securely on my head. My face was all wet with sweat and my hands felt as stiff as rock. "Pratiti it's your turn". Mrs. Palko called. I hesitated and took a step forward. It's okay there is a mat under you and a harness tied to you, there is no way you can .

fall, Pratiti. I kept reapeting that in my head. Mrs. Palko put the harness on me and said that I could go on and climb. I hesitantly started climbing. My heart accelerated and my breath came in quick gasps. Suddenly it felt easy, there were good grips and I was going up fast. Suddenly I saw a green grip and I put my right on it. My right leg moved to a yellow grip. All of a sudden I couldn't reach the red grip with my left hand. I tried moving my right foot but there were no grips in the right place for my right leg to go to. "Mrs. Plako I can't reach the grip and I don't know what to do". I screamed. But she didn't hear me. It felt like my heart stopped beating as I was so high up. " Pratiti strech yourself try come on you can do it'. Sheta shouted at me. Suddenly everyone who was watching me started encouraging me. "Pretend you are an astronaut Nanda". Julia shouted. "Shut up Julia", I screamed back. I felt queasy. Suddenly a new kind of energy came through me and I stretched my right leg to a bright red grip which was a bit too far away but it did get me upwards. I lunged at the red grip and moved my left leg to a blue grip. I slapped the paper that said A on it. I started walking down the wall. I didn't feel any thing at all. I reached the ground and Ashka gave me a high 5

I am not scared of hieghts anymore. My left leg doesn't shake anymore when I climb. I also got rid of my fear of getting hurt. I now boulder on walls where I refused to boulder before. I was not scared of the ball anymore in soccer. I run up to the ball and kick it away from the goal. I jump infront of the ball no matter where it will hit me when I am goalie. Now I can play sports much better thanks to rock climbing, my friends and the red grip. I was very surprised that I had made it to the top and some others hadn't. I had thought that I was the worst at climbing. Now I do sports without fear.



  1. Hello Pratiti,
    Thanks for mentioning me in your Blog!
    I used to be scared of falling when I first started to go rock climbing, I thought that the teacher would drop me and I would break a part of my body. After I did rock climbing for a few weeks I got more comfortable with climbing and I learned that it was nearly impossible to fall when I am in a harness that has been tied to a rope which is being held by a teacher who is tied to the floor.

  2. The only reason I told you to be a astronaut was because you told me to do it when I was climing!!
