cute tiger cub

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"Come on lets play a game". Veronica shouted splashing me in the pool. "Lets play queen and you are the queen Veronica and Jane can be her driver Pratiti can be the secretary and I will be cleaner"! Mary suggested. "Hey thats not a bad idea, but Jane how about you bieng a racing slug"! I teased. "A racing slug"? Jane repeated doutfully. "Ya, you know in the neverending story movie". I replied. "NO"!! Jane shouted in my ear. "Ow that hurt". I complained. "Ya Jane how about we call you sluggie". Verinica said with a wicked glint in her eye. "What Sluggie, no way"! Jane shouted in Veronica's now. "Sluggie, Sluggie"! Mary chanted. Verronica climbed onto Janes back. "Giddy up Sluggie". Veronica shouted. "Fine, you owe me big time Pratiti"! Jane said giving in.

"Get out of the pool and hit the changing rooms guys". Mr. Corbett shouted. "Lets go Sluggie". Veronica said happily. "Oh great now it starts". Jane said smiling slightly. Veronica pretended to giggle. In the changing rooms Jane pretended to do a fashoin show where the big white table was but now it looks like a catwalk ramp. "VEronica don't you dare push me off". Jane warned. But knowing Veronica. "Oh yes I am". VEropnica ran for it. "AHHHHHHH". JAne shouted qas she slipped on the wet floor and fell thud on the floor. "Hey". Jane shouted getting up. "Oh I am so sorry I didn't mean for you to fall down"! Vero0nica said bursting into laughter. Soon all of were laughing Jane too. "Come on Sluggie lets go Pratiti hurry up Mary is done already". Veronica said. "Hey my name is Jane". Jane said. "Not anymore from now on we officially name you Sluggie". Veronica said in her fake proffsional voice. "Halle lu yah Halle lu ha". I sang. "Oh please Jane mumbles.

By lunch time Jane was completely avoiding us. "Hey Sluggie can I have a m and m". I shouted across the lunch table. "No and stop calling me Sluggie my name is Jane". Jane mumbled. "Fine Sluggie". Veronica says in a bright voice. Soon it was two different groups group number 1 Veronica, Mary and me group number 2 Jane. Pretty soon Jane showed us her more aggressive side of nature.

One day in the lunch line. "Hi Sluggie whats up haven't talked to you for a while". I said. "Just shut up". And she shoved  me. "Hey that hurts". I moaned. "You hurt"! Jane mumbled and walked away. Later at the lunch table Veronica sat next to Jane. "Hi Sluggie". Veronica said while tying up her hair in a stylish way. "Boy tying you hair with this thing is hard isn't Sluggie". Veronica said. "No and I don't care". And Jane pulled Veronica's hair so the rubber band fell out. "Hey Jane that hurt and do you know how long it took me to tie my hair up". Veronica said angrily. "No, you hurt". Jane said and walked away.

On a saturday some days later my mom got a phone call. "Hello". My mom said. "Oh you want to talk to Pratiti, okay she is right here". My mom replied. "Munlee it's Mary she wants to talk to you". Mom answered to my questioning look. "Okay". I said. "Hi Mary whats up". I said. "You know Pratiti I think we should stop doing the sluggie thing I noticed Jane has been really sad lately and I think she goes home everyday and cries". Mary informed me. "Ya I have been thinking the same thing too she has been depessed lately and I really miss her it's like she left the school we hardly ever talk to her". I said . "Okay I already called her and said sorry so do you want to"? She asked. " Ya I will call her now you just call Veronica about our plan okay". I said. "Okay". Mary replied and hung up. I quickly dialed Janes number and called. "Hello". I said. "Hello". Jane said in a uneasy voice. " Hi Jane I am so sorry about the Sluggie thing I don't know what I was thinking anyways I am really sorry". I said breathless from all the talking.

"It's okay Pratiti I am really sorry for hitting you and everything". Jane said in a surprised tone. "Hey I have a great idea do you want to come over and do a make up sleepover with Mary it will be fun". I said suddenly exited. " Ya that will be extremely fun". Jane said I coulld tell she was exited too. "I will call you back bye". I said. "Bye". Jane said and she hung up. I suddenly felt a huge burden bieng lifted off my chest and a new sense of release spreading through me until I couldn't sit still anymore. I had to do something I don't know what but I still had to. At that time all I knew was that I had sold my friend away but I have her back now and thats all that mattered.

A way I could have handeled the situation better is, I could have listned to Jane so the fight wouldn't go on and on. I also could have never called her a name we could have just called Jane Sluggie only in the game. And we should ahve been paying attention to her mood more so we could have seen that Jane didn'r think it was funny anymore. A few goals to help everyone in ISKL nice is if someone is mean then don't be mean back jist be nice to them no matter what and soon their soft side will come out. And never bully or call people names because thats not nice just try to set a goal not to bully.            

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