cute tiger cub

Monday, August 30, 2010

Artifacts and Hominids!

What do artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans? Many people wonder about that same question. But from what my history book says artifacts tell us everything about the earliest hominids like Lucy (Australopithecus Afarensis the first group of hominids). Infact artifacts are the only things that tell us about hominids because bones are artifacts they tell us lots of things about hte body of the certain hominid, even cave paintings are artifacts. Artifacts are still telling us new exiting things like new types of hominids such as Hobbits who are originated from Flores Java and the big giant Goliath. There have also been some clues (ashes) that tell us how hobbits (half the size of us) got to be extinct scientists belive that a volcanic eruption caused the extinction.

                                      Hobbit Skull
Some things artifacts tell us are how long before us wre there hominids living because when analyze the artifacts we figure out how old it is like Goliath's bones told us he lived 7,000 years ago. When we find weapons and bones together then we know that this kind of hominids used these weapon the defend themselves or hunt. An example is scientists found rocks that fit right into your hand around a Homo Erectus bones so scientists predict that Homo Erectus used these rocks for throwing. Cave paintings tell us how smart the hominids were because when archaeologists find the oldest cave painting ever found scientists will find out when it was drawn and what kind of hominids drew it so we could have found the inventors of paint and art.                                                 

Homo Erectus Weapons

Cave Painting

Things other than bones can tell us more about how the hominids lived. Cave paintings tell us stories and give us an idea about what kind of tools the hominids used and about their religions. These also tell us how smart the hominids were compared to Lucy. Her kind did not make tools, so I don't think scientists have found any cave paintings from her time. But ,the Homo Habilis, the next group of hominids did make tools using animal bones and sharp stones. All the bones, cave paintings, masks, tools, hunting tools, war weapons, animal traps and bones are artifacts that tell us about the hominids or early humans.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Would Be....

If I could choose between being an Archaeologist, Historian or Geographers I would choose Archaeologist. I would like to an Archaeologist because I love to learn about dinosaurs, I exspecially like to learn about the great T-rex! I like digging too but I have never used the proper equipment to dig like shovels. The only thing I ever used to dig with are my fingers and old popsicle sticks. The only thing I discoverd was a few pieces of hardened clay in my backyard in India. But bieng an Archaeologist means we get to travel and explore a lot of places, which I really like to do. In the fourth grade we went into the dark cave in Batu Caves it was  really creepy but after you get used to the darkness it fun. I felt like a real explorer. I probably be a good Archaeologist because I am comfortable with traveling. Second is I love getting dirty so digging won't be a problem. Third I hate giving up so it won't be like I will spend a few days and give up. Fouth I take my jobs seriously I have always taken studies seriously. Fifth I enjoy walking and don't mind the sun because I grew up in one of those places where the sun makes it really hot and people wait all year long for monsoon to come and relieve them from the sun. I love to discover things even when its a science project and someone already discovered it I still feel happy that  I found something by myself so I won't be a poor sport a whine when we find something that had already been found or even when we don't find anything. I want to someday change the way we look at our past like so many others before me have!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Amazing Introduction

Que Tal (whats up Spanish!!). My name is Pratiti. I am from India. I lived there for 6 years then I came to Malaysia. I have a cool brother who just graduated and my funny mother who cooks the most amazing food in the world and a awesome father who gives me awesome gifts and loves me. I always wanted a pet but the closest I got to a pet is 2 cute and cool turtles but they died. I really like to study history, math, science, art and Spanish plus I am a bookworm I have so many books that all them won't fit into my room, not that its really big!

The last three books that I have read is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, Harry Potter the Deathly Hollows by J.K. Rowling and The Crystal Doors series first book Island Realm! The last movie i saw was Because of Winn Dixie you should read the book first. My academic goal this year is to get awesome grades like A+ in all my subjects. My social goal this year is to use reuseable bottles and to recycle more. My favorite vacation memory is when my family and me went to Langkawi where we saw 2 baby cobras and the beach was my favorite part!! Five adjectives that discribe me best are:

  • Tall
  • Smart
  • Athletic
  • Friendly
  • Active                                              