cute tiger cub

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Giving Memories

In The Giver there is no freedom, no choice! Everything is decided for you all you have to do is play along! But someone has to hold the memories that were taken away from them, thats why there had a reciever of memories or in other words The Giver. The Giver has to hold memories like colors and real emotions! The main charactor of the book, Jonas has been selected to be the next reciever of memories. Soon he realizes that there is so much more to the world than what everyone else and for a while he thought. After he got a few memories he accidentally transmits a memory of peace to a little baby that his father had brought home from work! The baby's, Gabriel's reaction was falling asleep. But that is against the rules! Soon Jonas gives Gabriel more and more memories, whats wrong with that? It makes the burden lighter! Then you wonder how this quote:" Gabriel's breathing was even and deep. Jonas liked having him there, though he felt guilty about the secret. Each night he gave memories to Gabriel: memories of boat rides and picnics in the sun; memories of soft rainfall against windowpanes; memories of dancing bare-footed on a damp lawn. "Gabe?" The new child stirred slightly in his sleep, Jonas looked over at him. "There could be love" Jonas whispered. The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away" relates to the themes of freedom and choice?

I think the relation between the quote and the themes is fairly simple. Its the freedom of choice! Jonas chose to give some of his memories to Gabriel, regardless of what the rules say. He made the choice to let Gabriel into information, he would not have believed if he was Jonas' age! But since Gabriel is only a baby Jonas can tell him things and share his memories with him, and Gabriel can't even say he is crazy because he had seen the memories and he is just a baby! Jonas has the freedom to lie to people! At first he thought that was ridiculos, but soon he realized that its actually very helpful! He can lie to The Giver about not sharing his memories! So this quote is all about the themes of freedom and choice!

Information and Images from:

The Giver 3

For my Lit Circle 3 I had to comment on someone else from my group, so I commented on Sheta's! You can go to her blog and read my comments if you like, you can find a link to her blog on the blog called 'Our Malaysian Journey'.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Reciever of Memories

Was there ever a time when you just coudn't chose between something! Like taking money you found on the floor or giving it to a trusted adult? Or when you really want to go to the movies but all your friends want to go to the mall? Well when I was reading The Giver and found out that Jonas was picked to be the reciever of memories. He had to go for training and then the giver said "Making choices would be frigtening for people." Why did he say that. I mean making choices is a part of life! It is something I have heard my whole life. I wouldn't want my choices taken away from me (like I said in the previous blog post!)

Well I think he said that because sometimes choices are really hard to make. Its difficult, like when you try to decide over finishing your homework or going to your best friend's birthday party! You have to do your homework but you want to be with your friend on her birthday! Choices are really hard! Sometimes I want a T-shirt and my dad likes something else and I don't want him to feel bad, but I really want the T-shirt but I can't choose! So choices are frightening!! But they make you who you are, so choices are good!

My second reason is that thats why the community is the way it is. You don't have to make choices it is all done for you. Their ancestors must have had a hard time with choices so they decided that they didn't want their children to make them. Because you don't get to make any choices in the Giver! Every single thing is done for you, from when you get your bike to which job you will get and when you will get it! They cant even see in color because then they will have to choose which color to wear. Or which colors to buy!

Images taken from:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Giver, Lois Lowry!

In class we started Lit Cirlces again! Everyone complained but we had to do it because school isn't exactly democratic. I have to read a book called 'The Giver' by Lois Lowry. It is a very interesting book about a boy called Jonas. He lives in a community that is very much like an Utopian community. In an Utopian community it is safe, orderly and predictable. Just like Jonas' community. Everything is decided for you. Like which family unit you are going to be in. You are never gemetically related to your family. Your parents don't get to chose your name the committee does it for them. You get your job when you are only twelve years old, and you don't even get to chose your own job. There are stict rules that you have to follow or else you will be realesed form the community. That will bring disgrace to your family. But when you think about it a question comes to your head, 'Would you want your future to be decided by other? Why or why not?'
I woldn't want others to chose my future! That would be horrible! I want to do whatever I want to do with MY life. Because it is my life. Like when you nine years old your toy gets taken away from you. But sometimes you play with your toys when you are ten years old or maybe eleven years old. I would always want a choice. Because when something happens I want to tell myself that I made that choice. I would want to tell myself I can chose no one else can chose for me. Because when I do that I feel that I can do things, others don't have to do them for me! It makes me feel more mature!
And then there is the sense of freedom. Everyone wants to be free. It is a happy feeling to be free. You can do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it. I hate it when people chose for me. Of course there are times when they have to chose for me, and there are times when I wish someone will make the choice for me. But you can't build charactor when people always chose for you. Sometimes you like math but you want to be nurturer. But the comittee tells you to a be mathmatician. Then you have to be a mathmatician for the rest of life. How horrible would that be! You want to be a nurturer but you have to do something comepletely different! You will spend the rest of your life in misery. That is why I want to make my own choices! It is not easy but sometimes the hard things are the best!

Images taken from: