cute tiger cub

Monday, February 20, 2012

None, Some or A lot?

Do you know what it feels like to be a victim? Maybe you were bullied or were you ever labeled as a loser? But when you are a victim you always wonder; "What are my options? Do I have any?" That is when this quote comes in: "Some people say that what makes a person a victim is they have limited or no-options about how to act." I heard this quote when Mrs. Meyer called all of us to the front of the classroom and read it out to us. My reaction was immediate; confusion. I mean its different in different situations.

If I got bullied because of my Indian accent (that happened to me in first grade) then I did have options. I could have tried to change my accent, talked to the counselor or my parents. Or tell on them to the teacher. But then when you are bullied you think you are alone. You think no one can help and if you tell an adult you would be a tattle-tale. That is when you make yourself a victim, thats where the stand up for yourself line comes in from. I'm somewhere in-between. I think it is true in some circumstances but in others it is totally untrue.

Then I thought to why are we discussing this in-between our Holocaust unit? Then I realized all the victims in the Holocaust. First the communists, Jews then all the other political parties that were against them. In the Jews situation in WW2 then this statement would be very true. They really didn't have any options because their whole government was against them, they had to give up everything they owned just to leave and most countries closed their doors and wouldn't let them in!

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