cute tiger cub

Monday, January 10, 2011

Vacation and Resolutions

I have lots of new years resolutions! But there are the two most important ones! The first and most important one is, wait for it... Listening to my parents more. I know that sounds pretty boring. But if I listen to my mom and dad more there will be a lot less shouting for me, this year. This is really important for me because... I have to go to a tuition like class, called Kumon. I always leave my kumon homework for last minute. But then I don't concentrate properly and end up getting a lot of my questions wrong. My mom keeps telling me to do each booklet of homework everyday. But I don't listen. And when I do all of them last minute my mom says "I told you to do a booklet  everyday! Now you will get a lot of questions wrong! Why won't you listen to me?" When she shouted "Why won't you listen to me?" I thought of it later on when I was in bed and soon I realized my mom won't shout at me if I listen to her. And now that is my new years resolution. Another reason why listening to my parents is important is my dad keeps telling me to read non-fiction books. But I like to read fantasy books. One day he started asking me random questions like "Who invented electricity?" And I just sat there staring at him. And then he said that I am not a real reader because I don't read different kinds of books. That totally got me mad. And I decided that I wanted to listen to my parents more for my new years resolution!

My second new years resolution which is very important, drum roll please...  Get more fit! That was a really common one last year in the U.S but I want to be more fit than I am now. So I decided to make 'get more fit' my new years resolution. I will be much better in P.E and in swimming my after school activity and in tennis (tennis has nothing to do with school!) Here some reasons for why I want to be more fit! First of all my brother is super fit with huge muscles anf he has beat people up in his Kung-Fu class in London! So when he does like 100 sit ups and I only do like 30-40! I feel very ashamed and embarassed! SO I have decided to be more fit! The other reason is in piranahs I am the slowwest swimmer except for when I am swimming breastroke. But I don't want to be the slowest swimmer! So if I get more fit I will be faster! And then in New Year's time I was like "My New Year's resolutions are listening to Mom and Dad more and getting more fit!"

Okay I had awesome Christmas holiday! I went to a 'Botanical garden in Putrajaya and then I went to Penang for 3 days'! I did a lot of things in Penang but one of the most memorable was probably going up the Penang hill. There is a huge hill in Penang which is obviously called the Penang Hill. There is normally a train to up  the mountain but that was under construction so we had to go up the hill with a jeep. The window was open and I was sitting at a window seat so the cool air blew into my face and sent my hair flying. I could smell all the trees that grew on the mountain and the dirt and also some water. I moved closer to the seat with my eyes closed and let my face hang out the window like a dog. And I heard all the noises like the wind rustling the leaves the sound of the tires craking twigs. And when I opened my eyes I saw a few hikers and bikers going up the hill. I smiled and waved. But they were too busy cycling and hiking. That was the most peacefull part of my vacation.

My second favorite part of Penang was playing in the sea with my brother. My brother went into the sea pretty deep and he didn't know there was a big wave coming. I shouted "Look out hter is a huge wave coming!" I ran for it. But since my brother was too far in he couldn't get away. But he didn't want to be the only one who gets crushed by the wave! So he tried to grab me! Just barely. But I got away. After that we played agame called 'Stay Where You Are!' Everytime a wave hits us we have to stay where we are. If the wave pushes off our spot then the other person got a point. Since I was used to swimming and the water. I won the game it was 10 to 4. After that we played lots of splashing game. And we even got my mom wet! And the next day we say a starfish on the beach! It was orange. I gently kicked him back into the sea.

Pictures were taken from:

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