cute tiger cub

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To Be Fair or Not To Be Fair?

We are about to start our World War 2/Holocaust unit in Humanities. So why are we studying The Treaty of Versailles? Well, The Treaty of Versailles played a big role in why Hitler started the Holocaust. What is The Treaty of Versailles you ask? Well in World War 1 or The Great War, the Europeans, U.S and France signed the treaty, it was like a peace treaty to try and ensure this kind of thing doesn't happen again. But their they blamed Germany for starting The Great War. Germany had to pay a big fine, was stripped of her military rights, all her oversea land was taken from her, she lost Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland and she had to give part of her land to Allied troops for 15 years! So here is the big question; was it fair or not?

This was definitely unfair! Of course some of the rules were fair, like Germany respecting the fact that Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland are independent countries now. But when they pretty much strip Germany's military rights to just about nothing that is just desperate! If they are already making Germany pay such a big debt that they are struggling economically and agriculturally then I don't see the need to take away most of their military. With them running so low economically that they will be able to support their military properly? They are pretty much trying to make them vulnerable!

Also since Russia also helped Germany in the war why didn't Russia have to help Germany in the reparations? If Russia and Germany were both on the wrong side of the war then why didn't Russia have to help with the reparations? That was also very unfair. They also didn't let anyone speak for Germany, and they didn't give Germany a chance to have a trial. This started World War 2. Also when the stories about the Jews backstabbing the Germans during the war, these stories started when the treaty was made. Since the treaty blamed the Germans the Germans also wanted to blame someone, they blamed the Jews. They didn't think about the future, they only thought of how to end the war momentarily!