cute tiger cub

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We did learning profiles in Humanities, again... I thought mine might change like my friend's has but it didn't, it still is J! I'm so happy because I love being J. I'm a HUGE doodler, all over my planner, my binder, some of my assignments. Sometimes when I have been doing something for a long time, I just start doodling and that calms me down and helps me concentrate more. Everyone thinks I'm a logic, but that is because they don't really pay attention to me! Just because I'm in advanced math does not mean I'm a logic person! I have always drawn things, random things. Things from school, like what we talked about in math, or what happened in humanities. When I found out I'm a kinesthetic learner all my friends didn't believe me. But what they don't know is I always tap my toes in my shoes, move my feet around, shake my leg or doodle.

There are some specific ways my profile types learn best. So, I learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture, context and emotional relevance to self. If I'm stressed out then I shut down. I would stare that the thing that stresses me out, stop communicating and get pretty clumsy. My biggest challenge as a learner may be to access information and put them into a logical manner, that I can communicate through. I know that is true because I have always focused on the big picture and not the details, that is why I'm not good at debating, they always use the small details I have over-looked against me!

I need to move around. If I stay still for too long then my mind just slows down and I get this weird feeling as if my mind was in slow motion and everything is super slow and weird. Then I get up and suddenly my head clears up and I don't feel like my mind is in slow motion anymore.

I would like my teachers to know that if I'm doodling when they are talking, I'm still listening to them! They always make me put my doodle sheet away and it always annoys me. When they have a visual presentation on then, yes they can get angry at me for doodling but when they are talking then if I doodle its like I'm taking notes, if they were talking about ex. Daedalus and Icarus. Then I would doodle some wings, the sun, the ocean, a hand trying to grab hold of the other. Just parts of the instructions, story etc... That I think are important or that intrigue me. That will be all over my planner so when I look at my planner to see what I have to do then I will see all my doodle about Icarus and Daedalus and when I doodle I get a deeper meaning of what we are talking about.

So there it is, more about me and my learning styles. I did this last year for the first time and now I know even more about about my learning styles. This just keeps gettin gmore and more interesting!