Learing about your learning profiles can be very important to a lot of people! Because it helps them do better in school. Because your learning profile gives you tips about things that you are having trouble with. Like organization. Also it is really interesting to look at your learning profiles. Its like when you look up your star sign so you can read what it says about people with your star sign. But just because you are a logical person doesn't mean you are forbidden to be creative. You don't have be what a piece of paper says you are. And you can't even use your learning profile as an excuse because, for example you turned an assignment in late. Just because it says you are forgetfull you still had your planner to remind you!
I learn best when I close my eyes and turn my left ear towards the sound when I am listening to new information. I also learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture, writing and emotional relevance to me! I also must hear the intention and feelings of the person or the information that I have to learn. That is what it says on my learning profile! I am profile J. Gestalt Dominant. Meaing I am right brained. But from what I know about myself... I completely agree with my learning profile! I tried a few things they suggested! Like close my eyes and turn my left ear towards the sound. I actually helped me remember what my humanities teacher was saying!
I need to read more non-fiction. Because all I ever read is fiction, fantasy, historical fiction and science fiction (sometimes). Reading non-fiction will help my less dominant side of brain! The logical side. I also need to make sure I don't get stressed out a lot! Because I will get clumsy and just won't be able to concentrate on my work I also won't be able to communicate properly when I am under stress. But most of all I need to be more LINEAR! If you don't know what that means, I am going to tell you. I means being straight forward. So I have trouble with linear aspects of life and learning. That means I am not straight forward with my life and education! And I know that is true! Because whenever I ask my brother to edit one of my drafts for a story. He says I take too long to say one thing! And complains about me being really boring. Because I am not staright forward. So I really need to be more straight forward.
Strategies that will help me in my learning. One thing that will help me with my learning is if I sit on the right side many rows back where I can hear easily, with my dominant ear. Which is the left ear. Also if I stay organized and make myself little notes or lists like my humanities teacher does. Those will help me remember things. Although I am not very forgetfull with my school assignments. I am very forgetfull with my things. I have already lost three water bottles, my jacket and I almost lost a library book. And when I don't practice piano or forget to do my kumon homework and my mom asks me why I forgot to do those things. I forget why I forgot to do those things. So if I make lists or notes, I could always write do kumon and practice piano. Also if I ask my teachers for help instead of my parents I think I will do much better.
I would like my teachers to know that when I am under stress I have problems with sight! That means that I will just focus on one thing and forget about everything else! I also hve problems talking. I will keep forgeting what I am about to say so I will repeat stuff and start to get really worried. Also I will be really clumsy when I am under stress. I will trip when there is nothing to trip over. So teachers if you ever see me doing any of those things that I wrote above! You will know I am under stress. I also like to figet with somethings, anything. I could be my shirt, my pencil etc. And when I am under stress I will see the picture or hear the information. But it will just be a bunch of words or colours. I won't really be able to process all the information into linear pieces. So I will very confused when you guys (the teachers) tell us to start working and I will be like "what just happened?"
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I learn best when I close my eyes and turn my left ear towards the sound when I am listening to new information. I also learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture, writing and emotional relevance to me! I also must hear the intention and feelings of the person or the information that I have to learn. That is what it says on my learning profile! I am profile J. Gestalt Dominant. Meaing I am right brained. But from what I know about myself... I completely agree with my learning profile! I tried a few things they suggested! Like close my eyes and turn my left ear towards the sound. I actually helped me remember what my humanities teacher was saying!
I need to read more non-fiction. Because all I ever read is fiction, fantasy, historical fiction and science fiction (sometimes). Reading non-fiction will help my less dominant side of brain! The logical side. I also need to make sure I don't get stressed out a lot! Because I will get clumsy and just won't be able to concentrate on my work I also won't be able to communicate properly when I am under stress. But most of all I need to be more LINEAR! If you don't know what that means, I am going to tell you. I means being straight forward. So I have trouble with linear aspects of life and learning. That means I am not straight forward with my life and education! And I know that is true! Because whenever I ask my brother to edit one of my drafts for a story. He says I take too long to say one thing! And complains about me being really boring. Because I am not staright forward. So I really need to be more straight forward.
Strategies that will help me in my learning. One thing that will help me with my learning is if I sit on the right side many rows back where I can hear easily, with my dominant ear. Which is the left ear. Also if I stay organized and make myself little notes or lists like my humanities teacher does. Those will help me remember things. Although I am not very forgetfull with my school assignments. I am very forgetfull with my things. I have already lost three water bottles, my jacket and I almost lost a library book. And when I don't practice piano or forget to do my kumon homework and my mom asks me why I forgot to do those things. I forget why I forgot to do those things. So if I make lists or notes, I could always write do kumon and practice piano. Also if I ask my teachers for help instead of my parents I think I will do much better.
I would like my teachers to know that when I am under stress I have problems with sight! That means that I will just focus on one thing and forget about everything else! I also hve problems talking. I will keep forgeting what I am about to say so I will repeat stuff and start to get really worried. Also I will be really clumsy when I am under stress. I will trip when there is nothing to trip over. So teachers if you ever see me doing any of those things that I wrote above! You will know I am under stress. I also like to figet with somethings, anything. I could be my shirt, my pencil etc. And when I am under stress I will see the picture or hear the information. But it will just be a bunch of words or colours. I won't really be able to process all the information into linear pieces. So I will very confused when you guys (the teachers) tell us to start working and I will be like "what just happened?"
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