Malaysia is full of rainforsts, wildlife and is very eco friendly. It is developing day by day in many different ways. But how is Malaysia developing? Parts of New Guinea is not even developed yet! People in New Guinea are still hunters and gatherers. Why have the New Guinea people not developed like we did? It is because Papua New Guinea didn't have the same food supplies as all the other countries did. This was because of where Papua New Guinea located. In the place Papua New Guinea is located doesn't have things that other countries did. Thats why they didn't get as much cargo as Malaysia did. Thats why Papua New Guinea did not develop with the rest of the world. But now that we know why Papua New Guinea didn't develop is that the same reason Malaysia is developing?
Malaysia is developing because of its location. Malaysia also has a large rubber plantation! That makes Malaysia the greatest rubber producer! Malaysia has so many tropical fruits such as mangoes, apples, bananas, coconuts, rambutan and many more. Malaysia also has a good stock of seafood because of its numerous beaches. Malaysia is located on the equator! That makes this country tropical. That means there many animals and rainforests. There are many beautiful birds such as the Macaw and animals such as ther sun bear. And there are many beaches that can lure tourists.
The other reason why Malaysia developed is because of tourist publicity. There are so many beautiful animals that you can see here in Malaysia. You can see the silver backed monkey, Macaw, the sun bear and the tiger crab. There is also the rocky mountains. That have Genting and Cameron Highlands. And Cameron Highlands is popular for strawberries and crocodile park. There is the beautiful wildlife of course. All the fascinating flowers such as the hibiscus. And the gorgeous trees such as the teak trees. This is the role that Malaysias location and natural resources played in Malaysias development.
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We are doing harmful things to our planet (Earth). We are cutting down millions of trees and killing animals for our own advantage. Animals and trees deserve to live as much as we do! I mean we don't just kill a few animals we kill them until some of them are extinct! The Dodo bird is a really good example. And we are cutting down many rainforests. That is another reason why animals are dying because of us. Since we are cutting down so many trees their home or habitat grows smaller every year and soon they won't be able to find enough food. If they don't find enough food they will gradually die. There is probably a 50% chance that the place where your house is built was a rainforest once. But there are some people who want to help save the planet. These people call what they are doing Eco-Action. My 6C class did some Eco-Action when we went on a field trip to Kuala Selangor. We planted mangroves! Yes we crossed a very muddy and slippery swamp that was full of tiny crabs to plant mangrove saplings. And yes we all fell in to the wet mud and every one of us got stuck in the mud until someone helped us get out.
Mangroves are very important to us. Most people don't know that and they just cut all the mangroves to build factorys, apartments, malls and many other things. Did you know that mangroves can help prevent tsunamies. That is because mangroves are like a sponge to water. And they are the only plants that can survive in sea water and swamps. Mangroves have really long roots. And they have a lot of long roots that spread out really far. That slows down the current when a tsunami or flood comes by. Because the water has to get through the long tangly roots. And the wet mud, where the mangroves grow can soak some water the tsunami won't have as much of force as it should. If there were mangroves in a place and a tsunami comes the mangroves alone could save millions of lives.
But since 6C planted mangrove saplings we have helped save the earth! I think that we did a wonderful thing. Mangroves are like endangered plants. For your information we will lose a bunch of our seafood if we keep cutting all the mangroves. This is because mangroves are in a food chain like everything else in nature. This is what happens: Tiny fish that you can't see without a microscope eat the leaves that fall of mangrove trees. Then bigger fish such as crabs and snakes eat the small fish that eat mangrove leaves. Then bigger fish eat the crabs that eat the really small fish. Then we eat the even bigger fish that eat the crabs! My 6C class helped save mangroves. You should try it too its fun getting dirty! And just by planting atleast 5 saplings you could help save mangroves!
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