cute tiger cub

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Making The Invisible, Visible: The First Step

For this unit in humanities we are doing something called project based learning. We are going to choose an issue that is happening in Malaysia and then we will work towards solving this problem, at the end of this project the goal is to learn about human rights. We chose human trafficking as our subject. Now after a week of research on human trafficking my little bubble on how safe Malaysia is, was broken. There were so many horrible and sad stories that I came across, the things that these people had been through is just horrible and how some of them started to fight against human trafficking. That is bravery because I would expect them to be scared. Article 29 from the human rights:In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. 

This article is basically saying that we as human beings have the responsibility to protect other peoples rights. This is why it is important. We can't let all these bad things happen in the world and expect it to be a better place. We can't just forget about all those people who got trafficked, abused, forced into prostitution and put through forced labour. We can't just forget about them and live our live filled with privileges while they are suffering. If we want to make the world a better place then we have to start stopping the problems. This is why it is important to the community, we want a safe for all community. For people who are less fortunate than us. No matter what, all of us are humans and we need to protect each other. It impacts the victims of human trafficking. 

Of course but also many of the stories that I read about human trafficking went like this. The victims were lured out of their home country with the promise of a job and decent pay and later their passports were taken away and they were forced in to labour or prostitution. If human trafficking wasn't there then job offers will always fall through. Our community will be safer.  I have encountered many surprises in my quest to find out more about human trafficking. I came across a story about a girl named Mercy who as rescued from her human traffickers during a police raid. But then the police gave away her location and her traffickers kidnapped her and beat her again. And when the trial finally came she was humiliated and her traffickers were sent free which caused her to assume a new identity and flee the country. 

Thats what surprised me the police are supposed to be the good guys and yet they humiliated her and put her in further danger. But especially what surprised me was that people could do all these horrible things to each other. This unit makes me feel so sad that people have to go through these things. And that this needs to stop. I know I won't be able to completely demolish human trafficking, no matter how much I want to. But I can help try and stop it. Raise awareness and try and come up with solutions. So it also makes me feel determined.