cute tiger cub

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tales Of 14 Years

I’m from power-cuts.
From one AC and loud crows crowing early in the mornings,
I’m from the streets outside my house, littered with cow dung
I’m from the juicy Guava and the stolen Jambu

I’m from cold-coffee and lost retainers
From the fascinating myths my grandparents told me
I’m from “come and get me” and “no one cares!”
From “turn that music down!” AND “what do you want?”
I’m from a BIG pink dog, who till this day remains unnamed.

I’m from Dragon Tales and The Beatles, listening to the familiar sound of my brother’s long forgotten radio
From hours of hide AnD SEEK, a very competitive game of tag

Shoved onto the top-most shelf in my closet, filled from cover to cover with memories of weddings, birthdays and anniversaries, and pictures of me in a bath.
Times before I was born and after.
And some blank pages waiting for me to fill in with my own memories.